Your kid is talented. We will tell you exactly in what area and how to develop it! Take a simple neurofeedback test.
Over 85% parents are wrong about the kid's talents.
Know your talents by neurofeedback.
Get your TQ-report about talent edges in math, languages, music, creativity, sports.
Your kid is talented. We will tell you exactly in what area and how to develop it!
Price 14.900 ₽ - choose your age package
14.900 ₽
Ecological development
4-7 years
Choose school and class
8-10 year
Mathematican? Humanitarian?
11-14 years
What's your occupation?
15-17 years
Who I am?
Talent Quotient (TQ)
Choose kid's talent development toolbox
Attention by Talent Edges
Choosing major class for a kid
Relationship with peers, classmates
What am I strong in?
Organizational talent
Choose high-school
Leadership and emotional intellegence
My mission
Networking and Friendship
Talent by Edge
Attention and Memory
My key skills
Archimedes 1-year development plan
Over 85% parents are wrong in assessing kids' talents.
As a result, your kid develops what you like, not what he was born for.
Basing on neurofeedback we will precisely determine your kid's Talent Quotient in maths, music, languages, sports, creativity. You will also get score on kid's thinking type - analytical or figurative to know best fit learning approach.
What kid's talents are the area of outstanding results, and what talents are just for harmonious development?
How to know if kid's refusal to exercise is a limit, or just a milestone?
We individually and precisely correlate Talent Quotient (TQ) with a particular kind of classes, groups and sections.
Restlessness and inattentiveness are the result of the peculiarities of memory work.
Every kid needs an individual approach of work load scheduling.
We measure attention and memory for each area of talent and offer the optimal mode for the best results.
Does kid need kinder-garden? Which group size is best? Which sport to choose?
Solution depends on Emotional Quotient (EQ).
Evaluate Talent Quotient in leadership and self-awareness. Advise sports, comfortable leadership role.
What primary school best fits your kid's talents?
Future success greatly depends on choosing school, class correctly. How to predict kid' talent in each class?
Matching Talent Quotient (TQ) vs every school class requirements. Visual hint for parents and teachers on kid green and red zones.
What causes difficulties in relationships with peers, adults? What class (group) size is the best for the kid?
Answer depends on Emotional Quotient (EQ)
Evaluate Talent Quotient (TQ) in understanding other people emotions, conflict mitigation, manipulations. Advise on best fit sports, comfort leadership role.
Future success depends on personal qualities no less than on knowledge and skills.
What strong talent edges the kid should leverage in his development?
We will define 11 key meta-skills: systems thinking, multiculturalism, etc.
What causes difficulties in relations with peers and classmates?
Is he individualist or leader?
Measure Talent Quotient in understanding people emotions, mentor and manipulate them. Advise on comfort leadership role.
Over 65% today's primary school students will study the professions that do not yet exist.
Parents' past experience will not help to navigate in fast-changing environment and future jobs.
Browse 25 traditional and next-gen industries to pick best-fit occupation by Talent Quotient (TQ).
Alfa-leader vs executor. Mentor vs Director. Individualist vs the soul of the company.
What role in the team you can claim and what situations you should avoid?
We evaluate talent to understand people's emotions, to organize and manipulate them. We recommend a comfortable role in the team.
Starting all over - is not a crazy thing to do
Stop living the life that brings you nothing but fatigue and frustration. Know your destiny and act before it's too late.
Basing on your neurofeedback we will precisely determine your natural talent and will show you the activities in which you can achieve success with pleasure.
Does your kid need a kindergarten or not?
Which group size to choose? Which help your kid needs to learn very first networking skills?
We evaluate the potential in self-awareness and understanding skills. We recommend sports, a comfortable role in the team.
Did you choose job that you was really born for?
2/3 adults dream of another job
Measure and advise on occupation that will really fit your brain potential using 25 industries
Getting tired fast? Lack of attention?
This all result of memory physical specifics
Measuring memory values by each talent edge using US patent technology
Your success based on your skills more than on experience
Which meta-skills to develop to become better version of yourself?
Measure 11 key skills like creativity, multi-tasking, time-managements, stress-resistance etc
How to find balanced and happier work-life balance?
Hobby is what brings you joyfulness as being based on in-born potentials
Receive 7 best matching hobbies for your brain and share more excitement with beloved ones!
Don't miss every bite of important to plan end-to-end skill development
Build 4 stages, 7 layers plan in harmony with kid in-born brain potential
Everything you need in one document - games to play, books to read, sports, musics etc - which 100+ professionals built for your kid brain potential.
Don't miss every bite of important to plan end-to-end skill development
Build 4 stages, 7 layers plan in harmony with kid in-born brain potential
Everything you need in one document - games to play, books to read, sports, musics etc - which 100+ professionals built for your kid brain potential.
Talent Quotient (TQ)
Over 85% parents are wrong in assessing kids' talents.
As a result, your kid develops what you like, not what he was born for.
Basing on neurofeedback we will precisely determine your kid's Talent Quotient in maths, music, languages, sports, creativity. You will also get score on kid's thinking type - analytical or figurative to know best fit learning approach.
Networking and Friendship
Does your kid need a kindergarten or not?
Which group size to choose? Which help your kid needs to learn very first networking skills?
We evaluate the potential in self-awareness and understanding skills. We recommend sports, a comfortable role in the team.
Attention by Talent Edges
Restlessness and inattentiveness are the result of the peculiarities of memory work.
Every kid needs an individual approach of work load scheduling.
We measure attention and memory for each area of talent and offer the optimal mode for the best results.
Choosing major class for a kid
What primary school best fits your kid's talents?
Future success greatly depends on choosing school, class correctly. How to predict kid' talent in each class?
Matching Talent Quotient (TQ) vs every school class requirements. Visual hint for parents and teachers on kid green and red zones.
Over 85% parents are wrong in assessing kids' talents.
As a result, your kid develops what you like, not what he was born for.
Basing on neurofeedback we will precisely determine your kid's Talent Quotient in maths, music, languages, sports, creativity. You will also get score on kid's thinking type - analytical or figurative to know best fit learning approach.
Choosing major class for a kid
What primary school best fits your kid's talents?
Future success greatly depends on choosing school, class correctly. How to predict kid' talent in each class?
Matching Talent Quotient (TQ) vs every school class requirements. Visual hint for parents and teachers on kid green and red zones.
Choose kid's talent development toolbox
What kid's talents are the area of outstanding results, and what talents are just for harmonious development?
How to know if kid's refusal to exercise is a limit, or just a milestone?
We individually and precisely correlate Talent Quotient (TQ) with a particular kind of classes, groups and sections.
Relationship with peers, classmates
What causes difficulties in relationships with peers, adults? What class (group) size is the best for the kid?
Answer depends on Emotional Quotient (EQ)
Evaluate Talent Quotient (TQ) in understanding other people emotions, conflict mitigation, manipulations. Advise on best fit sports, comfort leadership role.
Attention by Talent Edges
Restlessness and inattentiveness are the result of the peculiarities of memory work.
Every kid needs an individual approach of work load scheduling.
We measure attention and memory for each area of talent and offer the optimal mode for the best results.
Over 85% parents are wrong in assessing kids' talents.
As a result, your kid develops what you like, not what he was born for.
Basing on neurofeedback we will precisely determine your kid's Talent Quotient in maths, music, languages, sports, creativity. You will also get score on kid's thinking type - analytical or figurative to know best fit learning approach.
What am I strong in?
Future success depends on personal qualities no less than on knowledge and skills.
What strong talent edges the kid should leverage in his development?
We will define 11 key meta-skills: systems thinking, multiculturalism, etc.
Choose kid's talent development toolbox
What kid's talents are the area of outstanding results, and what talents are just for harmonious development?
How to know if kid's refusal to exercise is a limit, or just a milestone?
We individually and precisely correlate Talent Quotient (TQ) with a particular kind of classes, groups and sections.
Organizational talent
What causes difficulties in relations with peers and classmates?
Is he individualist or leader?
Measure Talent Quotient in understanding people emotions, mentor and manipulate them. Advise on comfort leadership role.
Attention by Talent Edges
Restlessness and inattentiveness are the result of the peculiarities of memory work.
Every kid needs an individual approach of work load scheduling.
We measure attention and memory for each area of talent and offer the optimal mode for the best results.
Stop living the life that brings you nothing but fatigue and frustration. Know your destiny and act before it's too late.
Basing on your neurofeedback we will precisely determine your natural talent and will show you the activities in which you can achieve success with pleasure.
How to find balanced and happier work-life balance?
Hobby is what brings you joyfulness as being based on in-born potentials
Receive 7 best matching hobbies for your brain and share more excitement with beloved ones!
Leadership and emotional intellegence
Alfa-leader vs executor. Mentor vs Director. Individualist vs the soul of the company.
What role in the team you can claim and what situations you should avoid?
We evaluate talent to understand people's emotions, to organize and manipulate them. We recommend a comfortable role in the team.
Attention and Memory
Getting tired fast? Lack of attention?
This all result of memory physical specifics
Measuring memory values by each talent edge using US patent technology
My key skills
Your success based on your skills more than on experience
Which meta-skills to develop to become better version of yourself?
Measure 11 key skills like creativity, multi-tasking, time-managements, stress-resistance etc
Recording of brainwaves is carried out with the help of ultra-light secure sensor NeuroSky (USA) while solving simple tasks from different areas.
The recorded waves are sent to the cloud-server and are analyzed automatically by a unique patented algorithm without human participation.
Matching with one of
Million profile variants
The TQ-report on the intelligence edges (Talent Quotient) clearly and in detail describes the long-term personal development plan based on your talents.
We also provide an opportunity to contact our specialists all over the world on any questions!
Know yourself and your kids better!
Discount offer for two and more tests!
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Verbatoria Talent Quotient
Verbatoria helps to choose career and development path by natural inborn talents. The company has been operating since 2016. Its certified specialists carry out a unique neurofeedback testing for kids, teenagers, adults on talent edges. Testing is held by age-groups that guarantees an individual approach to the assessment and not a comparison with the norms as in traditional methods. In addition to natural talents, attention is measured at different classes, that it the speed of assimilation of information. Verbatoria is waiting for you to become our new partner.
Trusted by many
Locations in 22 countries
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💥VERBATORIA reaches milestone of 22 countries presence in 8 years!💥
Do you know what your kid is capable of? Can you guess about his hidden talents and preferences? Sometimes it takes years to find answers to these questions. At the same time, kids attend many clubs, a lot of effort and resources are spent on tutors, but there is no interest in the kid’s eyes concerning the chosen field. Why does it happen? The answer is simple: the kid’s talents were not tested. A preliminary assessment of opportunities helps to determine: